The Currency of Reading for Pleasure
Whether on a train, a bus-ride, or awaiting a friend in a restaurant, reading is a pleasurable pastime which helps us to transcend our world and relax our mind. When we read novels, we experience a freedom of imagination beyond events of daily life.
Reading begins from childhood – and pivots from the pleasure we derive when we are exhilarated by a story, plot, and character. Our earliest memory of reading are storybooks – fabricated to take us through a labyrinth of emotions: alerting us to dangers; helping us to solve complex issues; assisting us in dealing with morality; and lulling us into a peaceful night’s sleep.
As we grow into textbooks, we are receptive to content, familiar with diction and sentence structure – all stemming from our childhood reading experiences. As information is stored over time, (books, scrolls, and electronic retrieval systems) the development achieved from the practice of reading and writing thus becomes handy in ensuring that wisdom is passed on, generationally. It can therefore be deduced that a society devoid of reading is one stagnant of progress, as lost knowledge of the past would remain undiscovered consequently.
The practice of reading can greatly reduce our stress levels, as we delve into relatable characters and familiar circumstances. Health practitioners understand the benefit enjoyed by sufferers from merely reading books which they publish, knowing how impossible it is for everyone to visit their practice. If indeed that which we consume emotionally can prevent the need for external medicine, then it should be that our food (novels) becomes medicine.
A beautifully crafted story can be a powerful elixir in helping us deal with anxieties which can lead to mental health issues. The individual is adept at concocting a tonic to soothe the self out of worry, sleeplessness, and (even) depression.
Jack SagasTM
Father to many sons, Mr Jack Sagas must call each under his decree before it is too late.
To isolate the young boys, Jack concealed their identity under one name… that none might know of, nor discover another – until such a time to render due patrimony unto them arrived.
Absorbed in their own (lost) identities and livelihoods, Jack’s sons navigate in blindness – engaged in both good and evil deeds. Their journey has one portal, agape to either an under- taking or rejection of that which they have been tasked to deliver. This prologue novel introduces each of Jack’s sons, imprisoned in the domain of their respective dark worlds.
Experience the sagas…

Mafu Njengele Bio
Mafu was seven years old when he read his first book: Ubulumko Bezinja (The Wisdom of Dogs) – a South Africa novel written by Rustum Siyongwana. At the time, Mafu’s own alliance with dogs was indeed marginal. Young Mafu loved dogs, but also feared them… as he did the police – a narrative true of most young boys growing up in a 1980s South African township. Realising how fear is foe to love, Mafu learnt to overcome foreboding, that his voyage into constructing stories – his first love – may commence.
Mafu’s own journey as a novelist began as recently as mid 2020. With the loss of his small business, including his desktop computer, Mafu took to a notepad and pen and began to craft character profiles – imagined individuals, living in different parts of the world, but sharing the same name. The franchise of Jack SagasTM was born, bred, and refined, until Mafu completed the first novel in March 2024. The idea of a prologue novel was conceived to o er a panoramic peek into the universe of Jack Sagas. Mafu plans to publish each of the twelve chapters (which make up the first novel), as stand-alone future titles – all leading to the climax of the multifaceted Jack Sagas chronicle.
As a collaborating and inspired businessman, Mafu aims to draw more aspiring writers to employ Mafucation Studios as their independent publishing brand of choice.